Elevating Periodontal Care: Exploring Minimally Invasive Techniques at West Valley Dental Implant Practice

minimally invasive techniques for treatment of periodontal disease

Dive into the world of advanced periodontal care with Dr. Alfred Penhaskashi at West Valley Dental Implant Practice. This blog post delves into two of the cutting-edge techniques that redefine minimally invasive periodontal disease treatment and management: LANAP Laser Dentistry, and the Pinhole Minimally Invasive Gum Grafting Technique.

LANAP Laser Dentistry: Precision Redefined

At West Valley Dental Implant Practice, LANAP (Laser-Assisted New Attachment Procedure) laser dentistry takes center stage in redefining precision and comfort. This minimally invasive technique utilizes laser technology to selectively target and remove infected tissue, leaving healthy structures intact. Patients benefit from reduced pain, swelling, and a quicker recovery. Dr. Penhaskashi’s expertise ensures that LANAP is seamlessly integrated into personalized treatment plans for optimal results.

Pinhole Minimally Invasive Gum Grafting Technique: A Gentler Approach

Dr. Penhaskashi pioneers the Pinhole Minimally Invasive Gum Grafting Technique, a revolutionary method for treating gum recession with minimal discomfort. Unlike traditional grafting procedures, the pinhole technique involves making small, pin-sized entry points through which the gums are gently repositioned. This results in less trauma, quicker healing, and a more natural-looking outcome. Patients experience a significant reduction in postoperative pain and downtime.

Experience a new era in periodontal care with West Valley Dental Implant Practice, where LANAP Laser Dentistry and the Pinhole Minimally Invasive Gum Grafting Technique converge to redefine the standards of minimally invasive periodontal disease treatment and management. Dr. Alfred Penhaskashi’s dedication to innovation ensures that patients receive the most advanced, gentle, and effective solutions for their periodontal health.  If you have questions about your periodontal health, contact us today and take back your oral wellness in a comfortable, friendly, and welcoming environment!

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